Thursday, August 2, 2012

Days 169 to 179 - Endurance walking to catch up post-virus and carrying the Olympic Torch

I woke up on Day 180 feeling much better and managed 8 comfortable miles. After my last blog about recognising the need for balance I ensured I constantly rehydrated and took things steadily to get back into the rhythm of being able to complete long walks. I finished the day with 855 miles to go. Over the next week I continued to catch up with my miles and worked hard on the BRIT Strategy with Chichester College and planned how to use the voluntary and gifted support that has been increasing recently.

The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Camberley, Surrey

I completed 10 miles on Day 181 (845 to go), 6 miles on Day 182 (839 to go), 6 miles on Day 183 (833 to go), 7 miles on Day 184 (826 to go) and 8 miles on Day 185 (818 to go). Over that period I met with some of the members of our BRIT Young People’s Visionary Steering Group to go over some ideas and I also returned to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst to give a talk to 750 Cadets who were going through their training before passing out as Army Officers.

The week also included preparation for carrying the Olympic Torch in Islington on the eve of London 2012. On the Wednesday evening I travelled up to London to stay overnight and woke at 0500 hours to report at Islington Town Hall for 0615 hours to attend the Torchbearer briefing. 

When I arrived I met David Walliams, the inspirational comic and fundraiser. We had met on a few occasions before and we had a great catch up and shared a lot of laughter. David was to hand the Olympic Torch over to meet at 0826 hours, so I spent time talking to the other inspirational torchbearers before I headed out to take my position. I was delighted that so many family, friends and BRIT supporters had come along to support me and it was a magical experience that I could share with so many super friends.
Containing a great deal of emotion
whilst carrying the Olympic Torch

David Walliams and I sharing a hug as he handed
over the Olympic Flame to me

On Sky News Sunrise with Charlotte Hawkins
 on the day of the opening of London 2012
When my torchbearer duty was over I headed back to Sussex to walk my 6 miles and then attended the signing of the West Sussex County Council Military Covenant. It was a long day, I was down to 812 miles to go, and then during the course of the evening I received a message that I needed to be up the next morning at 0400 hours. I had to leave once again for London to attend a Sky News Sunrise interview with Charlotte Hawkins. Charlotte had interviewed me before and I was delighted that whilst I was asked to talk about London 2012, I was also given the opportunity to talk about creating a legacy through the vision to build the BRIT Centre of Inspiration.

It was another long day and after I had returned to Sussex and attended a meeting with BRIT volunteers and supporters at Chichester College, I walked a further 4 miles to reduce my miles to go to 808.

The super crowds in Islington on my leg of the Olympic Torch journey

On Saturday I completed a further 8 miles to leave 800 to go and then on Sunday had one of the busiest days for a long time. My bathroom flooded in the morning, Clare, Jeannie and I then went through a filing handover to ensure all my and the BRIT paperwork would be managed correctly, my Mum, Angela, arrived, my kitchen was packed up ready for a new kitchen to be fitted, a photo-shoot took place all afternoon to record all the equipment I would be taking on my 30 day Scotland trip and I squeezed in 2 miles to reduce my miles to go to 798. A long day, but a productive one!

With a young girl post torch-bearing

Trying to prepare for Scotland, run the cottage, make sure BRIT as a charity was up to date and keep walking took a great deal of time, but I was ready for Scotland and am grateful to my family, friends and BRIT supporters for looking after me and helping me.

Best wishes,
