Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 51 - Truro College and Penwith College, Cornwall

With the super staff from the Nare Hotel, near Truro,
 who looked after me & gifted me
accommodation and food for my night in Truro, Cornwall

On Tuesday evening I stayed in the Nare Hotel which is about 30 minutes from Truro and situated in an idyllic location right on the coast.  I’d like to take the opportunity to thank Toby and all his staff for looking after me and also for their kind generosity of gifting the room and my meals.  I was humbled to receive such kindness and this also reduces the cost of my BRIT 2012 Challenge; particularly as the Challenge does not have a sponsor and is self-funded.

With students at Truro College who
supported me today in Truro, Cornwall

I arrived at Truro College on Wednesday morning (Day 51) with 1624 miles to go and was delighted to meet the students and staff who welcomed me and then walked with me from the start point at Truro College Sports Centre.  I was also joined by Fire Fighters from Truro Fire Station, Cornwall Fire & Rescue Service . I thoroughly enjoyed talking to the students from the public services course and we completed 4 miles together before I headed down to the second Campus at Penwith College in Penzance. 

At Penwith College I was met by a huge group of young people from a wide variety of courses including Child Care & Education, Health & Social Care, and Public Services.  I was also joined by students from the Humphrey Davy School and Fire Fighters from Penwith Fire Station, Cornwall Fire & Rescue Service . I had a super time talking with the students for the 4 mile walk around the campus and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

With students from Penwith College and pupils from
 the Humphrey Davy School in Penzance, Cornwall

Best wishes,
