Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 142 - The University of Chester and support from Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service

Today is the 142nd day of the BRIT 2012 mile walk and I was delighted to be hosted by the University of Chester;

With the Vice Chancellor, Staff & students of the University of Chester and Fire Fighters from Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service

I am always excited to visit the BRIT 2012 mile challenge host locations which are chosen by young people to ensure that BRIT and I are driven by youth who are empowered to make choices. Prior to arriving I research each location and then during each visit I am able to ask questions on facilities, working practice and areas that each location are growing with their knowledge and experience. The University of Chester is a good example of this. Their prospectus and course opportunities are impressive; however, some of the key areas that interest me are;

The University of Chester department of Social Work

The University of Chester department of Mental Health and Learning Disability

The University of Chester department of Social Studies and Counselling

The University of Chester department of Sport and Exercise Science

The University of Chester department of Health and Social Care

The University of Chester department of Community and Child Health

All of these specific areas span the BRIT vision and I take a great deal of interest in courses available, the research conducted, as well as views and knowledge on the constantly changing issues facing our society and young people. In addition to visiting schools, colleges and universities and speaking to young people I do my utmost to spend time with students, researchers, academics, lecturers, teachers and staff to ensure I am provided with a well-balanced education spanning personal opinions and experiences, research and teaching programmes. 

The BRIT Young Peoples Visionary Steering Group outside No. 10 Downing Street after the reception honouring the founding of The British Inspiration Trust

In the beginning, our BRIT Young People’s Visionary Steering Group was at the very core of how I wanted to involve young people in all aspects of BRIT. The Steering Group have remained very patient with me as I have spent so much time away on both this challenge and also going away to learn how I can evolve BRIT as both a charity and a Centre of Inspiration.  It is my aim to bring the Steering Group back together following my challenge so I can involve them more in all aspects of BRIT.


BRIT has over 50 Advisors who are Charity Chief Executives so that we have advice and guidance as we move forward from charities who want the Centre of Inspiration built.

Whilst funding for the Centre must come first and then the Centre of Inspiration built, it is also important for me to cultivate relationships from every sector of society including colleges and universities so that our course design and the research into our residential programmes is of the highest level.

The BRIT vision is very much about building a Centre of Inspiration to provide a lifeline for young people post-trauma. It is, however, also vital that the residential courses, the support mechanisms offered and the facilities, research and best-practice in place at BRIT is adaptable, flexible and sustainable. To ensure that this is achievable and visionary, I hope my visits to the hundreds of schools, colleges and universities are the start of long-term formal partnerships and relationships that will help deliver and enhance how BRIT is built and how it ensures that the young people who come to the BRIT Centre are able to move forward emotionally and mentally as well as being signposted to opportunities of education, activities and programmes where they live anywhere within Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

With the Vice Chancellor of the University of Chester,
 Professor Tim Wheeler
It was a pleasure to visit the University of Chester today and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about their Outreach Programmes and the University’s Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.  The offer of support from the University of Chester later in the year to involve their students, along with other schools, colleges and universities, in supporting our Social Media Strategy is very exciting.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and I am sincerely grateful to the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Tim Wheeler, for allowing the BRIT 2012 mile walk to take place at the University.  I also enjoyed meeting Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor Mike Thomas, who is Dean of Health and Social Care, and Professor Sarah Andrew, who is Dean of Applied Sciences. The students who joined me from Sports Science were very engaging and I must give special thanks to Lynda Baguley, Corporate Events Manager, who coordinated my visit and liaised with Clare, who gifted her time to support yet another BRIT 2012 mile walk day.

With Red Watch, Chester Fire Station, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service

Finally, thank you to the Fire Fighters from Red Watch, Chester Fire Station, who came to support me and presented me with the Cheshire Fire and Rescue badge to be added to the BRIT Fire Fighters Jacket that carries the badges and cap-badges from every County Fire and Rescue Service I have visited on the BRIT 2012 mile walk.

I finished Day 142 with 1037 miles to go.

With best wishes,
