Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 56 – Counselling in West Sussex & 6 miles

Many people will see strength in the physical challenges I have undertaken, however, the emotional journey is by far the toughest challenge. I have struggled for over four years to overcome feelings and to understand myself. Today was the first step in facing up to the fact that I need help through counselling and I am very happy to share this journey with young people in the hope that it will encourage them to ask for support.
I was asked a question this week from a young person who wanted to know how long it took for me to recover. Normally I would have just explained the physical journey, however, for the first time I responded by explaining that the recovery is both physical and psychological and was able to answer openly that I have made a decision to start attending counselling sessions to assist me in moving forward.
Last week I asked Speed Communications and Ketchum Pleon (both organisations gift support to BRIT by coordinating our media coverage) if they would put a note on our BRIT Press Release to ask the media if they would support me by minimal reference to my former career and also the details of how I was injured. It’s a difficult issue as I appreciate the media and the public want to understand how the journey started, however, being asked to describe what happened 4 years ago means that I have to re-live what happened in my head and I am desperate to move forward and concentrate on all that I am doing now for young people.
The link to Mind – the charity for better mental health is here;  
I’ve been having a rough few weeks of trying to understand my reactions to certain things, how I deal with situations and why I feel the way I do about life-choices, decisions and people. I have put off counselling for a long time as I have felt that with the BRIT 2012 Challenge underway, dealing with my emotions would add additional stress and strain, however I just felt that it was the right time to take the plunge and get help to allow me to move forward.
My first counselling session was on Monday and lasted for two hours. My counsellor was superb; I felt comfortable, able to be completely open and let my guard down; something I rarely have the opportunity to do. I left the session feeling like weight had been lifted and have decided that when I am back in West Sussex for non-location days or for planning meetings, I will ensure that I include more counselling sessions to give me the help and assistance I need to deal with the fears, anxieties and also the reasons that certain noises, situations and memories affect me. I know counselling is not for everyone, but for anyone who feels that talking would assist them, I really would encourage others to ask for support.
As an aside, BRIT partnered with the BACP last year (British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy) and if you would like to know more, the link is here;
I was delighted to be officially notified today that I have the honour to be an Olympic Torch Bearer in London on the 26th July, the day before the London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. I am sincerely grateful to everyone who nominated me. I had no idea that my name had been put forward until I was asked if I would accept the opportunity to carry the Olympic Flame. It is an absolute privilege to be part of what will be a historic, unforgettable and truly monumental sporting event. I have been watching television interviews of other nominees and reading their stories in the news, so to stand alongside all the other Torch Bearers who have been chosen is a humbling experience and one I will treasure.

To finish the day I walked 6 miles to ensure I remain on track with my BRIT 2012 Challenge mileage and now have 1586 miles to go.
I’m looking forward to walking in the counties of Gloucestershire and Wiltshire this week as well as the Unitary Authorities of South Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire.
Wishing everyone a very happy week,
Best wishes, 