Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 19 - Oxford University, Oxfordshire

Presented with the Oxfordshire Fire Service
Badge & Shield on my BRIT 2012 Challenge
Last night I stayed over in Oxford with BRIT Mentors and my great friends, Adam and Soozie Dando-Reynolds.  I needed a quiet evening with friends this week, so spending time relaxing with Adam and Soozie was the perfect way to unwind and have a good catch up.  This was also where the day started when I was interviewed by BBC Radio Oxford. 

With Rosemary Rey (EA to the 
Vice-Chancellor) & members of 
Oxford University Royal
 Navy Unit, OTC & Air Squadron

I arrived at University Park and was met by Rosemary Rey, the Executive Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor, who had organised the whole day on behalf of Oxford University.  I am sincerely grateful to Rosemary and Oxford University for hosting me, for involving so many groups to join me and for giving up their Saturday to make the day a special one for me. 

With Oxfordshire Fire Service, BRIT 
Mentors, University Students and friends
As I was preparing to start the walk I was introduced to Keen, an organisation (with charity status) of Oxford and Oxford Brookes Univerisity students and local people providing a range of sporting and recreational activities for children and young adults with special needs; I was delighted that they joined me for two laps of the Univeristy Park before heading off to their afternoon sports activities and I thoroughly enjoyed talking to the young people (athletes) and the volunteers (coaches) who give their time to improve the lives of the children and young adults.

I was also joined for the whole day by the Oxfordshire Fire Service who presented me with their Fire Service badge (for the fire fighters jacket that has the badges of each County Fire Service I walk with sewn on it) and a shield and tie. 

Three other groups walked with me for the entire day:
With BRIT Mentors and super friends,
Kate Silverton & Mike and Adam &
Soozie Dando Reynolds, with Soozie
holding baby Clemency
I managed to talk to all the members of all three organisations during the day and we discussed their aspirations and their studies. They were all a pleasure to talk to and I was impressed with their motivation and their ambitions.

Completing the day and adding to the excitement, I was joined by BBC News Presenter and BRIT Mentor, Kate Silverton , her husband Mike and beautiful baby girl, Clemency, by Sky Sports Presenter, former Olympic Gymnast and BRIT Mentor, Suzanne Dando , and her husband, Adam, who is also a BRIT Mentor, and my good friend and motor-racing driver, James Wood , and his partner, Queenie, and their beautiful baby boy, Freddie.  It was super to be joined by all these very special friends who have given me so much support over the last few years.

Walking at Iffley Road Running Track with
Oxford University Rugby Club and BBC
News Presenter (& BRIT Mentor), Kate Silverton
The walk today started at the University Park and we then walked to the historic Iffley Road Running Track (where Roger Bannister broke the 4 mile minute mile) and then on to Christ Church Meadows before returning to the University Park.  At Iffley Road, thanks to the introduction by Steve Grainger at the Rugby Football Union, I was met by the Oxford University Rugby Club who spent time walking and talking with me. I was honoured to be presented with an Oxford University Rugby Shirt and Crest which I shall treasure.

My day walking in Oxford was an absolute pleasure and I hope to return this year to thank the University and meet students from the Colleges to talk about the BRIT 2012 Challenge and to thank them for their support. It was an unforgettable day.

1857 miles to go!

Best wishes,
