Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 218 of the BRIT walk in Glasgow at Glasgow University


Day 218 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk took place in Glasgow at the University http://www.gla.ac.uk/

The University of Glasgow is the fourth-oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Scotland’s four ancient universities. The university was founded in 1451 and is presently one of nineteen British higher education institutions ranked amongst the top 100 of the world.

Glasgow became a pioneer in British higher education by providing for the needs of students from the growing urban and commercial middle classes. Glasgow served all of these students by preparing them for professions: the law, medicine, civil service, teaching, and the church. It also trained smaller numbers for careers in science and engineering.

Glasgow has departments of Law, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry; a position that is unique amongst the other universities in Scotland.

I was honoured that the Lord Provost’s representative, the Bailey, John Findley, came to welcome me to the City of Glasgow and had asked young people and staff from The Temple/Shafton Youth Project http://www.homelessuk.org/details.asp?id=UK3228 The Project is a registered Children’s Charity based in the West of Glasgow. Their aim is to “Do what’s possible, try what’s not”. Their work is based around Voluntary Youth Participation by empowering young people to become involved in life-long learning.”

With students from Glasgow University and staff and young people from The Temple Shafton Youth Project

They provide opportunities for young people to meet socially and be involved in a wide range of award schemes or activities for both fun and educational purpose. They offer every young person who is involved in the project, a residential experience. The project is managed by a voluntary management committee of which the majority is young people and their Chairperson is 18 years old. Young People fundraise for activities.

It was a pleasure to spend time talking with the young people and staff and I was delighted that they joined me on my BRIT 2012 mile walk.

I am sincerely grateful to the two Student Union Presidents of the Glasgow University Union http://www.theguu.com/ and the Queen Margaret Union http://www.qmu.org.uk/ who joined me on the walk.
With the 4 Glasgow University Presidents of Glasgow University Union,Queen Margaret Union,the Student Representative Council & Glasgow University Sports Association
I was also delighted to meet the President of Student Representative Council http://www.glasgowstudent.net/ and the President of the Glasgow University Sports Association http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/sport/gusa/ together with fellow students from the University who coordinated the walk.

I finished the day with 610 miles to go.

Best wishes,
