Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 213 - Dundee and Perth - Perth Grammar School and Perth High School

Day 213 of the BRIT 2012 Challenge in Dundee and Perth started out well in Dundee. After a busy night of answering emails I managed to get some sleep and woke up ready to go. For a while now I've been walking in two locations each day. Often it is difficult as I finish one location, hop into the gifted Land Rover and drive to the next location to walk more. As tiring as it is, I am always energized by the young people I meet. I did the first few miles today in Dundee walking in a beautiful park.

City of Dundee Coat of Arms

Dundee is the 4th largest city in Scotland with a population of 152,000. Dundee lies within the Eastern Central Lowlands on the North Bank of the Firth of Tay. The town developed into a burgh in medieval times, and expanded rapidly in the 19th century largely due to the jute industry. This, along with its other major industries gave Dundee its epithet as the city of "jute, jam and journalism.” Today, Dundee is promoted as 'One City, Many Discoveries' in honour of Dundee's history of scientific activities and of the RRS Discovery, Robert Falcon Scott's Antarctic exploration vessel, which was built in Dundee and is now berthed in the city harbour.

Biomedical and technological industries have arrived since the 1980s, and the city now accounts for 10% of the United Kingdom's digital-entertainment industry. Dundee has two universities—the University of Dundee and the University of Abertay Dundee. A £1,000,000,000 master plan to regenerate and to reconnect the Waterfront to the city centre which started in 2001 is expected to be completed within a 30 year period, with the Dundee Victoria & Albert Museum opening within 5. The aims of the project will be to reconnect the city centre to the waterfront; improve facilities for walking, cyclists and buses; replacing the existing inner ring road with a pair of east/west tree lined boulevards; a new civic square and a re-opened dock stretching from the Caird Hall and a regenerated railway station and arrival space at the western edge.

So after a great start to my morning I left Dundee and headed to Perth. My walk in Perth had students from the Perth Grammar School and High School come out and join me. It was fantastic to see the students working together. Perth Grammar School has adopted the motto “Pride, Respect and Ambition”. After meeting the students today I can say that they exemplify it. They are known for their outstanding Mathematics and English, but more importantly they balance achievement with caring, supporting both students and parents/carers in order to help students achieve their goals.

A bit of encouragement on day 213 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk

In 2010 they won a national award for "Getting Scotland Active", so it was absolutely brilliant to have their young people come out with me today.

A very warm welcome in Perth

Perth High School students who joined me are encouraged to develop their own personal standards with regards to all areas of their lives, be that academic, social, or sporting. The staff work with the students to support them in achieving their personal excellence. I was quite impressed with their aims which are:

·         encourage pupils to achieve their maximum potential in academic, artistic, sporting and

           social standards;

·         create an orderly environment which is conducive to effective learning;

·         ensure that opportunities are open to all on an equal basis;

·         welcome parents into a partnership embracing trust, understanding and mutual support;

·         work in partnership with the local community, industry and commerce so that pupils are    

           fully aware of opportunities for a fulfilling life;

·         encourage pupils to see education as a life-long experience.

I was so impressed with the students and staff at Perth Grammar School and Perth High School, as they really exemplified the values that the schools are trying to instill. I saw kindness, compassion and empathy amongst the students.

Spending time taling to young people from Perth Grammar School

As a final bonus to a great day, I was deeply honoured to be given a plaque from the Perth Council. I felt really welcomed into the community and want to thank everyone for making this a super Day 213 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk.

Supported by a young people from Perth who joined me
 on Day 213 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk

My sincere thanks to the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Perth, Dr James Kynaston, for welcoming me and to Scott Campbell at Perth Grammar School for coordinating the day.

With students from Perth Grammar School & Perth High School together with the Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Councillor and staff

Ending Day 213 with 643 miles to go.

With my very best wishes,
