Before Christmas I took some time out to blog about juvenile diabetes as a way to not only highlight the charities that are supporting BRIT, but also to shine a light on the issues that charities address.
This week I want to take the opportunity to talk about Kids Company, which provides practical, emotional and educational support to inner city children that are deprived. The population of children they work with is vulnerable and at risk. Kids Company works with over 17,000 children in inner city London. Many of the kids come from families that are struggling and whilst the parents love their kids, often there are struggling with their own issues and not able to provide the support and encouragement their children need.

Over 95% of the children and young people that come to Kids Company are referred by their peers or seek out the charity on their own. According to independent research from Gaskell (2008) at the University of London, found that the children that use Kids Company:
· 84% homelessness
· 83% sustained trauma
· 82% substance misuse
Kids Company love and support changes the lives of children. The same research showed that:
· 97% found Kids Company effective in supporting their needs
· 94% reduced substance misuse
· 91% were reintegrated into education
· 89% improved their anger management
Personally I was stunned at the statistics above which I found on the Kids Company website: Thankfully this incredible charity is stepping in and providing not just wraparound services, but most importantly love to such a needy and vulnerable population. After reading up on Kids Company I was excited to be able to visit one of their facilities.

Kids Company is a very special charity. The offices are inspiring; every wall is hand-painted and creates a magical setting that draws you in and displays just how much young people feel part of where the charity is going. There was a hive of activity in every room at Kids Company and I was fascinated with the numerous activities going on. I found myself wanting to join in!
Camila told me that Kids Company is involved providing therapeutic and social work services in over 40 schools and their work is going from strength to strength. They operate two street level centres and a therapy house in South London, along with a drop-in provision in Camden, North London.
Kids Company uses a multidisciplinary approach to working with young people. They meet their practical needs first and then work on their emotional wellbeing. Kids Company combines health, housing, emotional wellbeing, mental health, arts, sports, youth justice, education and employment. They believe strongly in the children they serve. I was particularly struck by one line on their website which states: “We are relentless in our love, doing whatever it takes to protect children struggling to survive their childhood.”
I am pleased to announce that Camila has graciously agreed to be a BRIT Advisor. I look forward to Kids Company introducing the BRIT2012 Challenge to their Young People next year and how I can support them when I am walking through London next December.