I will launch the British Inspiration Trust in December 2010 and a pre-launch reception will be hosted at Downing Street by the Prime Minister on the 24th November. I believe in building a Centre for Young People facing Adversity and fusing charities together to ensure Young People, their families and their carers know the support available. BRIT is my life now and I am partnering with charities to ensure I have advice, knowledge and best practice to hand. In the next two months I am asking Corporations & Businesses to become Founder Partners and help raise £10million for the build. In December I will ask the British Public to gift their support to equip the centre throughout 2011. Everything is possible and the BRIT Centre will be a hub for Young People and Young People will guide and steer me. I have a blessed and enriched life and will do everything in my power to support Young People who are physically or mentally disabled, have medical conditions, are deprived or are injured. I am calling on our British Inspirational Figures from every sector of society to stand by me and become BRIT Mentors. We are near the beginning of journey that will galvanise goodwill, fuse charities and build one Centre for British Inspiration.