Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 220 - Queen Margaret University, East Lothian, the Scottish Fire Service College, Gullane & Day 221 - The Berwickshire High School, Duns, Berwickshire

Day 220 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk took place at the Queen Margaret University in East Lothian and I was delighted to be greeted by the Lord Lieutenant, Sir Garth Morrison KT CBE. It was a pleasure to meet the Vice Principal (Resources & Development) & University Secretary, Rosalyn Marshall, who welcomed me to the University.

Queen Margaret University is a Modern University located in Musselburgh, East Lothian near Edinburgh in Scotland. It is named after Saint Margaret, wife of King Malcolm III of Scotland.

With the Lord Lieutenant of East Lothian, Sir Garth Morrison KT CBE, and Vice Principal (Resources & Development) & University Secretary, Rosalyn Marshall.

From its very inception, Queen Margaret University has focused on addressing society’s needs. Throughout their history, they have been committed to providing relevant teaching and research which makes a real practical impact on everyday life. As well as preparing their students for useful careers through providing them with relevant education, their teaching and research is designed to address the issues affecting Scotland, the UK and the rest of the world. They are highly regarded for innovative research which has a direct impact on policy and practice, and which consequently improves the quality of life.

Sir William Garth Morrison KT CBE, Lord Lieutenant of East Lothian, and students at Queen Margaret's University on day 220 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk

Their work is built around our three academic flagship areas of health and rehabilitation, sustainable business, and culture and creativity.

Walking and listening to students at Queen Margaret's University in East Lothian on Day 220 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk

I had the opportunity to talk to staff from two of their Schools which focus on the following areas;

The School of Arts, Social Sciences and Management encompasses the subjects of:

·         Psychology and Sociology

The School of Health Sciences encompasses the subjects of:

·         Nursing

·         Physiotherapy

·         Podiatry

·         Radiography

·         Speech and Hearing Sciences

It was fascinating to learn from the staff about their teaching practices and I very much look forward to returning the University in the future as there are many areas in which a partnership with BRIT would be beneficial. 

I am sincerely grateful to Isobel Lister, the Executive Assistant to the Principal, for coordinating the day and for inviting students from three local schools to join me on my walk;

Musselburgh Grammar
North Berwick High School
Dalkeith St David’s
It was a pleasure to meet the staff and students of Queen Margaret’s University and all the students from the three schools and I had a great time. 

I then drove on to the Scottish Fire Services College in Gullane

The Scottish Fire Services College exists to provide a central workforce development resource for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Services.

The College’s strategic objectives are to:

• Support the Scottish Fire and Rescue Services to deliver the Community Planning agenda;

• Support the Scottish Fire and Rescue Services to maintain and develop the resilience capacity required to deliver effective emergency provision;

• Support the achievement of ‘Best Value’ service delivery (efficiency, economy, effectiveness and equality in service delivery);

• Support the organisational development of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Services’ workforce;

• Maintain and develop further strategic partnerships for learning and development;

• Secure effective collaborative arrangements, resources and facilities required for the delivery of Best Value learning and development interventions.

The objectives support delivery of the Scottish Government’s National Outcomes:

• We live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger; and

• Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people’s needs.

Fundamentally, however, the College is interested in providing a first class training and development service for Scottish Fire and Rescue Service staff, supporting the fire and rescue services in the development of a highly competent workforce and a safety-conscious environment.

It was a pleasure to meet the staff of the Scottish Fire Services College and to be welcomed so warmly. I was honoured to be presented with their Badge for the BRIT Fire Fighters Tunic and to spend time thanking representatives of many Scottish County Fire & Rescue Services for their support and kindness. It was a super visit and I was glad to be able to stop by and spend time there.

I finished the day with 598 miles to go.

A Question and Answer session with students from Berwickshire High School on Day 221 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk

Day 221 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk took place at The Berwickshire High School in Duns, Berwickshire. I was honoured to be welcomed by the Lord Lieutenant, Major Alexander Trotter.

With the Lord Lieutenant of Berwickshire, Major Alexander Trotter,
on Day 221 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk at Berwickshire High School

At The Berwickshire High School they seek to cultivate a happy and caring community that fosters a culture of learning where success is celebrated.
Walking with students at Berwickshire High School on day 221 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk
Their aims are;

·                     To create in our school a climate where everyone is recognised and respected.

·                     To encourage everyone to achieve their goals and dreams.

·                     To promote a healthy lifestyle which embraces physical, mental and emotional     
              wellbeing amongst all.

·                     To promote active partnerships with students, parents, staff and the wider 

·                     To provide a challenging curriculum for all students at all stages.

·                     To promote the active involvement of students in teaching and learning where there 
              is a shared understanding of the purpose of the lesson.

Writing messages of thanks to the students of Berwickshire High School on Day 221 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk

I was warmly welcomed by the Head Teacher, John Clark, and introduced to members of his staff and the students. John had very kindly arranged for me to speak this morning to two year groups, walk around the campus with students over lunchtime, and then speak again this afternoon to two older year groups. It was a pleasure to be given the opportunity to meet and talk with so many young people and to listen to their thoughts on BRIT and to discuss my journey.

With some of the students of Berwickshire High School this morning, together with the Lord Lieutenant and the Head Teacher

My sincere thanks to the Lord Lieutenant, the Head Teacher and all the staff and students who made Day 221 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk such an enjoyable experience.

Talking time out in Berwickshire on Day 221 of my BRIT 2012 mile walk
 to soak up the beauty of the Scottish scenery

Finishing Day 221 with 591 miles to go.

Best wishes,
