Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 151-The Half-Way Point of the BRIT 2012 Challenge with the BBC, the Manchester Metropolitan University and Manchester United

Today marks the half-way point of the BRIT 2012 Challenge! I have now walked 1006 miles and have 1006 miles to go in the second half of this year. I am sincerely thankful and feel such gratitude to everyone that has supported BRIT and I this far. Getting out on the road and visiting schools, colleges, universities and sports clubs has been so rewarding. Every day I meet young people and they share their stories with me confirms that the BRIT Centre of Inspirational Excellence is needed.

Sir Richard Branson - BRIT Mentor

At this point in the Challenge BRIT is launching the appeals to businesses to step forward, join me and pledge to build the Centre. A pledge of £10,000 will help to build the actual Centre and a pledge of just £5000 will go to equip the Centre. As an example, I am delighted that BRIT Mentor, Sir Richard Branson, and The Virgin Group gave a pledge of £10,000 to build the Centre.

With the BBC at Media City in
 Manchester on reaching halfway
 on my BRIT 2012 mile walk

The generous pledges of Virgin, BT, BA, Coutts & Co, Alfred Dunhill Ltd, Capital Shopping Centres, Calor Gas, MEC, WPP and Norton Motorcycles, to build BRIT, show that they are businesses that have a strong sense of corporate social responsibility. By investing in the BRIT Centre, they are investing in the lives of our young people. Many times in this life, when you are trying to overcome a struggle, what you most need is someone to believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself. I thank all the businesses who have pledged so far for believing in the potential of our young people post trauma. Due to the generosity of these businesses BRIT is on the way to getting the necessary £15 million to build the Centre of Inspiration.

Day 151 was busy aside from reaching the half-way point and receiving pledges. I did a couple of interviews, one with Sky and another live broadcast with Victoria Derbyshire from BBC Radio 5 Live. At both venues I had the chance to talk about BRIT and the need to support young people post trauma.

Victoria Derbyshire
BBC Radio 5 Live

During my interview with Victoria, John from Essex Fire Fighters called in and on behalf of Fire Fighters, pledged to donate the necessary fire equipment for the BRIT Centre of Inspiration. My sincere thanks to John and the Essex Fire Fighters for their generous gift. As I said to Victoria, the fire services personnel have been with me, except when called out in an emergency, on each of the days I’ve been on the road. Their support has been unwavering and the young people love to see them at the Challenge walks. My special fire fighters jacket continues to be covered with the different badges from the different county Fire & Rescue Services. When the BRIT Centre is built the fire jacket will be put on display for visitors and young people to see a visual sign of support from our incredible fire and rescue service personnel.

BRIT Fire Fighters Jacket on a
young BRIT supporter

Our fire and rescue service personnel are a great example of us all doing what we can, gifting what we can and together building the BRIT Centre.

To continue with a fantastic day I was privileged to have lunch with Vice Chancellor Professor John Brooks from Manchester Metropolitan University. The university offers over 1,000 courses to over 37,000 students.  I was delighted to meet with Vice Chancellor Professor Brooks and talk with him about our mutual interests in education and how universities can partner with BRIT. At the end of our lunch Professor Brooks kindly offered to help BRIT, by helping us to empower young people. Keep reading the blog in the future to see our autumn appeal to schools, colleges and universities.

With President and Vice Chancellor of Manchester Metrpolitan Univeristy,
Professor John Brooks, and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dennis Dunn MBE JP
on Day 151 of the BRIT 2012 mile walk

My final stop on this amazing day to continue my walk was Manchester United FC. I was met by the incredible staff that was very welcoming. What an incredible moment to be in their stadium walking around. I’ve been so amazed at the many outreach projects and support that Football Clubs provide to their communities and young people.

After finishing my visit I got back in my gifted BRIT Land Rover and started the long seven hour drive home. After two weeks on the road I am most definitely looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. I leave the North of England, having met an amazing group of people. Each and every day I learned something new and I am so grateful to everyone that has taken time to support me and the BRIT 2012 Challenge.

At Manchester United on Day 151 of the BRIT 2012 mile walk

Together we’ve made it to the half-way point. I urge you to keep supporting and believing in BRIT and I; I will build the BRIT Centre of Inspiration – no matter how long it takes.

I end today with 1003 miles to go!

Best wishes,
