Friday, February 24, 2012

Days 30 & 31 - The Isle of Man & County Londonderry, Northern Ireland

With the Provost of the University of Ulster,
Professor Robert Hutchinson, the Mayor of
Coleraine, Alderman Maurice Bradley
and the Head of sport at the Univeristy
of Ulster Dr Nigel Dobson
Yesterday I had time on the Isle of Man to complete a few extra miles during the day before flying to Northern Ireland. The weather held off and I managed to walk along the Douglas Coastline before spending time working on BRIT. I was supported by Manx2 for my flight to Belfast City and am grateful for the support of the airline and the staff at both airports for their hospitality and assistance.

Rory Quirke, a great friend and supporter of BRIT, came up from Dublin to meet me at the airport and has kindly taken a week off to drive me around Northern Ireland. We arrived at Portrush in the early evening and were met at our hotel by Professor Robert Hutchinson, the Provost at the University of Ulster, who generously organised accommodation for Rory and I.

This morning was my first day of walking in Northern Ireland and I am honoured to have received the following message from the First Minister and deputy First Minister of the Northern Ireland Assembly;

With some of the staff of Coleraine Campus,
Univeristy of Ulster and Fire Fighters from
Coleraine Fire Station of the Northern
Ireland Fire & Rescue Service
We are honoured to provide a message of support for this very worthy project. Phil Packer’s own journey is truly inspirational and his idea of setting up a Centre of Inspiration for young people who are struggling to deal with adversity, as a result of mental or physical disability, deprivation, injury and wounding; and those who are young carers, is also inspiring.

It can be difficult, at the best of times, for young people aged between 16 and 25 as they make the transition to adulthood. Those who face additional adversity need all the support and help that they can get. These young people have so much to offer and contribute to society but are often challenged with low self-esteem and self-worth.

This centre will provide much needed support and assistance for young people, helping them to become self-assured and ambitious young adults; inspired and encouraged; ready to face the future; and empowered to realise their full potential.

We both send our very best wishes for making this vision a reality.

Peter Robinson MP                                                         Martin McGuinness MP
     FIRST MINISTER                                                     DEPUTY FIRST MINISTER

With young people from Sandleford
Special Needs School, Coleraine
I arrived at the Coleraine Campus of the University of Ulster to a magnificent welcome.  The Sports Centre was packed with staff from the University and young people from Sandleford Special School.

Ms Garland, from Sandleford Special School,  had organised for the young people of the school to interview me as part of their BBC project which was great fun. The children then presented me with £60 that they had collected. I was introduced to the Mayor and after explaining to everyone that my aspiration is for 2012 businesses to pledge their support to build the BRIT Centre and that BRIT does not ask the public for funding, I passed the money the children had collected to the Mayor so that it will be given to two local charities that support young people within the County of Londonderry.
Talking to Adam, a young person from
Sandleford Special Needs School
who interviewed me today for
their BBC reporting project

Professor Robert Hutchinson and his assistant, Mrs Averil Johnston, have been fantastic in the preparations and coordination for my visit. The Sports Department of the University had organised the welcome reception and it was a pleasure to meet Dr Nigel Dobson, the Head of Sport, and Phil Carson and Anne Paul, from the Sports Department, who looked after me throughout the day.

I was honoured to be joined on part of my walk by Professor Richard Barnett, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Ulster, who talked to me about the four university campuses in Northern Ireland and their outreach within the community. Their wide range of research in many academic areas is fascinating and I continue to be educated with information on best practices and the visionary strategy of leading universities whilst on my journey.

With Fire Fighters from the Northern
Ireland Fire & Rescue Service

Averil Johnston had made contact with the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service and it was great that Fire Fighters from Coleraine came to join the walk. They also presented me with the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue badge that will be added to the BRIT Fire Fighter Tunic that has every Fire Service badge from every county and fire service who have walked with me.

Saying thank you to the University of Ulster
and Sandleford Special Needs School,
coleraine for such a warm welcome
to the County of Londonderry
I cannot find the words to express how happy I was to receive such a warm welcome and so many kind wishes throughout the day from the staff, students, young people and fire fighters who joined my 10 mile walk around the campus.  This is the first of six days in Northern Ireland and walking 10 miles each day is going to be tough, however spending time with young people and receiving such a high level of support from the community gives each day of walking a tremendous boost.

My thanks to everyone I met in the County of Londonderry today; it was an unforgettable experience for me.

I’m now on my way to Enniskillen where I’ll be walking 10 miles at the Marina tomorrow. The plan for the next 5 days is;

Friday – County Fermanagh - 10 miles at the Enniskillen Marina
Saturday – County Tyrone – 10 miles at the Dungannon Park, Lough Macrory, Lough Fea and Gortin Forrest Pollan Trail
Sunday – County Down – 10 miles at the Newcastle Promenade with the Mourne Mountain Rescue Team
Monday – County Armagh – 10 miles at the Royal School Armagh
Tuesday – County Antrim – 10 miles at Queen’s University, Belfast in the Botanic Gardens

1776 miles to go.

Best wishes,
